So, if you voted boy, congrats, you were right! The ultrasound was SO cool, it was amazing to see the little human that's been inhabiting my tummy for the past 5 months. My mom and Clay were both in the room with me, which was really great. The only not so fun part about this visit was the fact that I had to drink 32 ounces of water and not urinate at least an hour before my appointment...which, let me tell you, for a pregnant woman is excruciating! I even cheated and didn't drink the whole 32 oz., but I don't think I would've been able to contain myself if I had.
Clay held onto my arm and had the biggest smile on his face the whole time, it was so cute! We got to see the baby's heart beating and saw him moving around while the ultrasound tech checked to make sure everything looked normal, which thankfully it did. He even yawned a couple of times!! (Ok, ok, so he might've just been swallowing fluid, but it looked like a yawn!) Seeing his little body and knowing what we're having makes it much more real now. I feel a lot more connected to the little guy and I can't wait to meet him in real life. For now, Clay and I are pretty set on the name Levi, unless we happen to come across something we like better. We both really like that name and hopefully it suits him. Now we just need to think of a middle name for him, so if you have any ideas, toss them our way!
Here are some pictures of our son to be!:
I think this is a head-on shot, you can see his eye sockets....and maybe a hand waving?:

Here's the shot of the boy parts! The lady said to look at the picture
as if he is sitting on a glass coffee table and you are underneath, looking up.
You can see his legs (they're pointing right) at the top and bottom of the image.
His bottom is on the left.
The arrow should help guide you too ;] :

Little feetsies! :

And here's my favorite, the profile shot. I think he already looks like Clay,
just look at that little button nose!:

Hope you enjoyed them!