This week is number 33...only 7 more to go! It's crazy how fast it goes by. As much as I am tired of being pregnant, I am also not ready for Levi to come quite yet. He has some more cooking to do and I have some more preparing to do.

Clay's mom got us this onesie...ha!:

My niece Brooklynn and sis-in-law Kassi...Brooke likes her cousin already!

The hostesses with the mostess..ess!:

In other pregnancy news, Clay and I went to the doctor for a checkup last week and I was informed that I have gained almost 5 pounds in 2 weeks!! That is twice the weight I am "supposed" to be gaining. The doctor said "so um...just try to slow it down a little bit..." HA! I can't say I ever thought I'd hear that! Besides that, everything looks like it's going well, except for the fact that little Mr. Levi is still laying horizontally, which isn't too much of a problem at this point, but he should start to be heading head down fairly soon, which I hope he does because I really want to avoid having a C-section.
He...and myself too....are getting large. He's about 5 pounds already and should be gaining a half a pound a week from here on out! He's started pushing his hand (or foot?) out and I can GRAB IT!! Then he'll pull it back...wait a second or two...and do it again. I think he likes this little game.
One thing that has it's pros and cons lately is the "advice" I have been getting, which actually is nothing new because everyone has been adding in their two cents since I've become pregnant. Now, this isn't to say that I don't like advice or that I don't find it helpful. It most definitely is! And for the most part I truly do like hearing people's pregnancy and birth stories and tips that they've discovered. But to be honest, it gets a little annoying sometimes, usually when it's from strangers or people who feel like they have to scare me with every little detail. So for the record, I do not enjoy being told how "huge" my belly is getting...I do own a mirror. And telling me that only makes me feel freakish and scared that I'm going to have a ginormous baby to deliver. I don't like being told that my boobs haven't gotten much bigger either. I am aware of this fact. Yes, I know my clothes don't fit anymore but I'm tired of buying ugly clothes that I grow out of every 2 weeks, so deal with it. You don't have to look at my bellybutton through my shirt if it bothers you that much. I don't talk about your body or criticize how you look all the time, and just because I happen to have a human growing inside of me doesn't give you the right to either. I also do not like being made fun of for using the restroom constantly...there is a 5 pound kid tap dancing on my bladder, thank you very much. I also do not appreciate stories of your 60 hour labor, your guts on the table during your c-section, and your newborn's brush with death. I'm freaked out enough, and telling me horror stories doesn't better prepare me for anything. So there's my rant.
Anyway, last night Clay and I started our first birth class (we have 3 all together) at the hospital. It was kinda fun actually, probably much more so for me than for Clay, but he didn't look too miserable. ;) And get this: out of the 14 couples in the class, 12 of us are having boys!! Weird huh? I thought so.
It was more of an introduction class, but we did learn about signs of early labor, pre-term labor, and some breathing and relaxation techniques. Man oh man am I scared to give birth!! BUT we learned that fear is a huge contributer to tension, which increases pain, so I guess the more relaxed I am hopefully the better it will be. I'm countin' on Coach Clay!