I'm back to the world of blogging! This last month has been a busy one, so I apologizing for not updating at all. Every time I get a free minute, I find myself just wanting to veg out. This, however, has led to too many nights of mindlessly watching horrible reality t.v. shows, so I'd be better off blogging anyway.
So, I'll try to recap the last few weeks without boring you too much!
As I said in my last post (over a month ago - geeze!), I graduated college! My mom, dad, sister, aunt, uncle, and Clay all came to support me at the ceremony. Thanks guys! It was cool to sit there in my cap and gown and know that I have finally accomplished one of my life's major goals. I can look back and know that I worked hard and didn't give up, even though there were times when I thought I couldn't stand sitting in a classroom for one more semester. And ok, I
did take a semester off one year when I moved to San Luis Obispo for a few months, so maybe that helped me get through it too.
Here are some pics:

My little sis also graduated highschool, so my mom threw us a joint graduation party at out house. It was fun and my mom went to a lot of work, so thanks mommy! She always goes all out when it comes to parties and this one was no exception. Think streamers, balloons, posters, flowers, food...LOTS of them.

The night ended with a rousing game of Clue...which I ruined because I wasn't keeping track of my clues properly. Claire and Katie
would have been the winners. Sorry guys.

On June 4th, I turned the exciting age of 24! It sounds so....old and yet I feel so....immature. Of course, I'll have a lot of growing up to do in the foreseeable future, so I'm not too concerned. My birthday this year wasn't anything much to write about; after I got off of work Clay and I went on a little hike and then got ice cream cones, and then we went home and made steak, baked potatoes, and salad for dinner. The next night, I had a little birthday dinner at Buca di Beppo. It was pretty good, except for less than satisfactory service. I guess they were busy with all the prom parties that were there. It was still nice to see my friends :)
A couple weeks after my birthday, my dad, sister Sammi, Clay, and I went on our annual camping trip to Yosemite for TEN DAYS! People think I'm crazy for camping for that long, being pregnant and all, but it was fine. I usually like to do a hike or two, but I had to take it easy this year. It was relaxing and nice to get away for awhile, and the weather was perfect. Unfortunately, I discovered that my camera is BROKEN!! The battery refuses to charge...not sure if it's the battery or the charger that is having technical difficulties, but I'm going to take it to get looked at a.s.a.p. So...no pictures of Yosemite this year :'(
promise to be better about blogging and will do some pregnancy updates soon!