In other news, last week I started my third trimester. I can't even believe it!! Only about 2 1/2 months left to go...I have to admit I'm starting to get nervous. The whole giving birth thing is kind of freaking me out, buuut the anticipation of meeting Levi is also really exciting. He's such a mysterious creature right now and I can't wait to just see him and hold him and know that everything is going to be all right and that it was all worth it. I think that not knowing what to expect and the fear of the unknown is the scariest part.
He is around 17 inches long already but only weighs a few pounds, so
he still has some chunking up to do before he makes his grand debut. Isn't that weird though, that he's almost as long as a full grown baby already? Here is a picture of what he looks like

Also, the hormones are really starting to kick in...I cry about everything that has to do with babies now. Ok, maybe not everything, but certainly pictures of newborns...and my 4 month old niece smiling... and those birth stories on TLC...I even get weepy when Levi gets the hiccups in my tummy or I think about looking at him for the first time. Poor Clay has to deal with my emotional outbursts...but he's really sweet and goes along with it. :)
And next week I will have another belly photo, even if it means borrowing someone else's camera!
You can borrow MY camera!!!!
ReplyDeleteNow, from your mom's perspective..... well, I admit I would have never imagined watching my daughter's growing belly while she is still living with me! At times it feels so surreal, seeing your body changing right before my eyes. At times, I think how beautiful you look, and how it all agrees with you. Your skin, your hair--so lovely. And at times, I admit, I am overcome with fear--leaning on God to assure me that everything will be OK.
Now that you are in the home stretch of the last trimester, I feel a strong desire to hold my grandson, to look at his little face. He will have a cute little face, of this I am certain.
So, M'Ky, I can only offer you my love, advice when you want it --or even when you don't--and a loving home to live in until you and Clay build your own little nest.