But since this year we were ROBBED of a proper Californian summer and sat at the beach in fog and drizzle for the majority of June, July, and August, I feel that Mother Nature kinda owes us one before 2010 comes to a close. And she delivered, albeit for only a couple of days. Better than nothin!
Where else in the Northern Hemisphere can you say you went to the beach in the middle of December? In this respect, the west is best, baby.
Sunday was a picture perfect 80 degrees, so Levi and I decided to take a stroll down to the beach so that mama could soak some sunshine into her pale legs. We walked to a little coffee shop and got a huge, overpriced iced mocha (remember Levi indirectly eats what I eat, so I can get away with saying "we", like a crazy mom. That said, you will not hear me saying "Oh look at how BIG we are!" "Are we hungry?" "Do we need a diaper change?". I do draw the line somewhere). Then we walked along beach, and finally ended up at Ole Hansen, where we sat on a park bench and watched the beach goers and seagulls.

Yesterday we went down to the beach again and I got to read a magazine for a bit while Levi snoozed in the shade, then we got some tacos and headed home.
Unfortunately, winter returned today , so Leevs and I got back to reality with a grocery shopping trip to Trader Joe's, some chocolate chip cookie making, and some t.v. watching to pass the gloomy day away. I seem to always get the blues during wintertime and find myself constantly sleepy, no matter how much rest I get. I also don't really like being cold. Bundling up makes me feel claustrophobic, which is why you will usually find me under dressed. Is that weird? Sometimes I think I might have the oddly-fictional-sounding SAD...that is, "Seasonal Affective Disorder". But um, don't the seasons affect us all? Can you say "looking for any excuse to pop happy pills?" Ok, I shouldn't judge, especially since I probably have SAD. Anyway... the heat wave was nice while it lasted, hope everyone enjoyed Mr. Sun as much as I did! :)
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