One of Levi's favvvvorite Christmas presents was the activity gym that my dad got him. It's kind of like a colorful mat with tent poles that have little things hanging down, like a mobile. It's underwater themed and plays music when he bats the toys and a light that blinks along with the music. This thing is a lifesaver!! Now that he is a little older, he is no longer content with simply staring at me, sleeping, and eating all day. Oh no. He wants to explore. He has discovered the T.V. - much to my dismay - and will just
stare at it, fixated beyond belief. He prefers to be held and walked around at adult eye level so that he can get the full life experience. And forget laying on his back - he tries and tries to sit up so that he can see what's going on around him. All this, of course, is great, but it gets a little tiring to keep him entertained while also carrying on with the things I need to get done day to day. Enter the activity gym. He can lay there and play with that thing for about an hour straight, which is like precious gold in the form of time.

Also, milestone alert! He rolled over from his tummy to his back for the first time yesterday! Yeahyuuuh Levi!! His favorite place to perform this new trick is the aforementioned gym, because he can start off on his tummy looking at the colors on the mat, and voila! Flip to his back and explore the mobile. Gotta love it.
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