
Monday, February 21, 2011

I ♥ Sundays

Sigh. I'm loving Sundays so much now that we get to spend them as a family again, thanks to Clay's new job.  Today we tried to sleep in (no luck, Levi's an early bird), then we lounged around the house a little before heading off to the Cheesecake Factory to use the remains of a gift card that we got for Christmas. After that, we stopped by Urban Outfitters real quick to check out the sale section - I scored on a cute romper and a skirt and Clay got a jacket and a shirt. So much for my plan to not buy any new clothes for awhile...but they were doing an extra 30% off sale stuff! Much too tempting. I will get back on the wagon though!!!

We then headed over to Laguna Beach to attend a farewell party for my friend Jessica, who has been living in Bogota, Columbia for the past few years volunteering at an orphanage/ministry. She usually comes home to visit about once a year, then heads back to Columbia. But this time she is relocating to Peru to work, so it's a whole new adventure for her! It was nice catching up with some friends who were there and seeing Jess one more time before she leaves. :(  After that, we went home and pigged out on ice cream and played silly games with Levi.

So, Levi's been doing this really strange/funny high-pitched squeal thing lately. Actually, I'd classify it as more of a yell. He does it when he talks to his toys. He does it when strangers ogle him. He does it before drifting off to sleep. He even did it during our whole lunch today, but luckily all the tables around us had kids so I'm hoping they understood. Plus, it's definitely more funny than annoying. Anyway, whenever he does something funny and I go pull out the camera, he inevitably gets distracted and stops what he was doing to stare at the camera or at me, so I've learned I have to be stealth. The zoom lens is my new best friend.

Ok, so he caught me here too, dang it! Ohhhhzeeewellllll. Still gives you an idea of that shrill shrieking noise.

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