
Monday, May 9, 2011

Worst Blogger Award

...goes to me.

Sorry for the absence lately, for some unexplained reason I haven't really been in the mood to blog recently. But, I like the fact that I am able to chronicle Levi's little life and also have some "mommy time" to vent when I need to, so back to blogging I go!

So let's re-cap our past few absent weeks, shall we?

A few Sundays ago, Clay, Levi, and I went to the farmer's market at the Great Park in Irvine. We got some tacos from one of the many food carts, lounged in the sun for a bit, and bought a bunch of fruits and veggies from local farmers. I also got a little handmade diaper bag (that I probably didn't really need) from a cute lady who was vending her creations. It was a nice way to spend the day!

We also had a pool day with our friends Katie and Rob one sunny weekend, and Levi was the bestttt little baby (mostly because he slept half the time)...it was nice to get some sun and relax, although unfortunately  the unheated pool meant that  this baby would not be swimming. Yeah I know, I'm a wuss.

In other news, Levi turned a great big 7 months old on April 24th!! I can't believe how time is flying. He has...count 'em...FOUR teeth already (and he totally inherited Dad's gap...I love it!), and is just on the verge of finally crawling. As of now he gets on all fours and rocks, or he does a little army-man type scoot, or he just rolls to get around. He gets so frustrated because he is so close to making his arms and legs work together to crawl, but he ends up getting tired and collapses. Poor guy. He'll get there soon enough! Even though it will be fun to see him crawl, with the amount of mischief he tends to get into already I can only imagine how life will be once he is truly mobile. Oh. Dear.

A couple of weeks ago was Levi's first Easter! He got a little Easter basket from Grandma with some new shoes in it. We are bad parents and didn't make him a basket, mostly because the last thing we need around here is more baby crap and also because I'm lazy  I know he has no idea what is going on anyway. However, I do kind of regret not taking him to get Easter Bunny photos, because I think this year we could've gotten a good one. He is at a stage where he isn't scared of strangers yet, and  happens to looove stuffed animals...so a strange, giant stuffed bunny?! He would've loved it! Oh well. Here's hoping things go well next year.

And one last little update, this precious video. He's been starting to notice animals more and more, and dogs seem to be the object of his fascination. Clay makes barking noises and Levi cracks up. They were laying in bed one morning when I heard giggling from the other room, so I snuck in and videoed the cuteness.

That's it for now, and I'll try to be a better blogger!

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