
Thursday, March 17, 2011

Q: What time is it? A: Tooth-Hurty

Yes, that's right. Teething is in fuuuullllll swing.  Levi has an actual TOOTH pushing through the gums! I can see it!  I can feel it! I have named it "The Tooth". I am really praying that he quickly grows out of his "it's fun to bite mom's boobs" stage, or else breastfeeding might have to come to an unfortunate, premature end.  It hurts enough with just gums!

So far we've tried homeopathic teething drops and Hyland's teething tablets, along with cold water teethers and frozen washcloths, but I'll try anything and everything to ease his pain. I think I'm going to try mesh teething bags where you put frozen food or ice cubes in a little mesh bag so they can chew on it, but I'm afraid a huge mess will accompany that.  I'll give it a go! Oh, and amber teething necklaces are supposed to be another natural remedy, but I wonder of they reaaalllly work. Supposedly something in the amber soothes their discomfort, but I'm not about to drop 25 bucks on one if it's a shot in the dark whether or not they work.

Any tips or suggestions from my fellow teething warriors?

the flash majorly washed out the picture so you can't see it, but it IS there!!
also, note the mass amount of drool on his shirt...geeze!

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